"And nothin's gonna change the way we live / Cause we can always take but never give"
virtual insanity - jamiroquai

Brisket is a scavenger and researcher living in an anomolous post-apocalyptic world. She is prone to lying and proficient in things that are certainly unusual for someone her age, including pyrotechnics and stealth.


Brisket does not have a disregard for human life, per se, but they have a childlike incomprehension of danger and mortality. They have very little empathy for others, but try to do what they perceive to be their best. They are brash and bold and seem to fear nothing. Their only motive seems to be to live and have fun doing it. They are naive and do not remember much about the world pre-apocalypse.


Brisket is a short, dark-skinned lean child with bright green dreadlocks. Her eyes are an unnatural bright orange. She has green cat ears, which are usually obscured by her hat, and a green horse-like tail which is also in dreadlocks. (For more information on why she has a horse-like tail, please visit the trivia segment.)
She wears a handmade cowboy costume. It consists of:


Brisket was born with a flair for the dramatic that was quickly dampened by her oppressive household. Her mother died shortly after she was born and her father never even wanted a child, treating her like a farmhand from birth. After the flash, Brisket awoke with her father, the remains of her house, and a few (but clearly less) livestock hanging around but clearly dazed. Once their father came to and realized the devestation around them both, he decided that they would trek to find other people. He attached the livestock to a chain and they got moving. He killed them all eventually, skinning them for durable clothes annd food. Brisket, raised on the farm, was no stranger to animal death, but the fact that these were the last animals for miles around made this gutwrenching to her. As they continued, it began to despise her father. They noticed things about him that annoyed her to no end - how slowly he talked, the way he wouldn't stop trying to drag her along by her arm, how he kept telling her to hurry up. How he treated them like a sandbag. That, along with the lifetime of feeling like nothing but a servant, made her snap. She woke up in the middle of the night, took everything she could from the campsite, and ran, crying. Their father was not as tough as he made himself out to be - they knew that he would die without these things. Blankets, dried meat, water found in underwater pockets stored in canteens. But she ran as far as she could.
The first group that found her was the Cards. Ponci, eager to include anyone that could be even vaguely useful, let her in. They taught her alot - how to use a firearm, how to make bombs, and that it was okay to murder sometimes if they have something you REALLY want. She fit in well enough for a while, but eventually cracks started to form. The group were weighed down by the presence of a child, and she could feel it. Not wanting to become that sandbag again, she took what she brought with her and, for a second time, ran.
This time, she found Kairo. Kairo was nothing like the cards, clearly eager to help whoever she could. Despite their contrasting natures, the two of them meshed well, and they set up a more permanent living situation together. As Kairo researches, Brisket does her best to find whatever she can in the wasteland that could possibly be of value or use.


Kairo - Friend

Despite living eachother for over a year, they don't know much about eachother. Talking about themselves just isn't something their relationship is built on - not that Brisket is eager to share her past, considering how much guilt they harbor because of it. Aside from this, they still have a good relationship.

Pasi - Friend

As a member of the cards, Brisket doesn't have contact with Pasi anymore. Despite this, Pasi was the only member that Brisket had a good relationship with.

